This article is more than 1 year old
Dell boxes VGA cable to within an inch of its life
Spare the planet, knacker the copper
Aboxalypse now We're sort of delighted to report that our campaigning Aboxalypse now series - aimed at naming and shaming those who would destroy Mother Earth with their cardboard and bubble wrap excesses - seems to be having some effect.
We say sort of delighted, because Dell appears to have taken extreme measures to make amends for past outrages.
Reader Hasnain wrote to explain he's got a Dell M109s LED Projector, and needed a new VGA cable. Dell duly dispatched the cable in "a tiny box about 10cm long where the it had been folded to within an inch of its life":
Well, you can see the problem here, and Hasnain had to request a replacement for the knackered cable. When it arrived, same problem, so Dell requested photos. Having perused the incriminating evidence, the company told Hasnain there's "nothing wrong with the cable or their packaging methods and I should contact tech support".
In fact, Hasnain had already belled tech support, who told him he should "treat the cable with care and don't bend it too much".
Ahem. Nonetheless, we applaud Dell for not sending the cable strapped to a pallet, with the accompanying paperwork enclosed in a box so big it's visible from space. ®
Hasnain inists there's nothing wrong with the projector, and that in the case of both cables, if you wiggled them a bit the image colours changed.