This article is more than 1 year old

Cisco's UCS needs a bra

Reanimating Howard Hughes

Apparently the "California" Unified Computing Systems cannot defy gravity as a young server with generous capacity should.

Thanks to El Reg having an office in San Francisco, I have been spared the grief of traveling out to the VMworld extravaganza going on this week and am reporting remotely from the show. But thanks to intrepid readers, El Reg has eyes everywhere, and one such reader snapped a picture of the UCS blade servers running at the show. Clearly they are in need of the kind of aeronautical engineering expertise that Howard Hughes once supplied to the well-endowed actress, Jane Russell:

Cisco UCS Sags

Cross your heart

Of course, as the all-knowing Wikipedia points out, the 1940s actress who made her debut in The Outlaw and for whom the underwire bra was invented never did wear the bra; and Russell, who could hold her own against the likes of Marilyn Monroe, clearly did not need any such assistance at the time. This is something that the UCS chassis cannot claim, obviously. ®

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