This article is more than 1 year old
Bus driver becomes Julius Andreas Gimli Arn MacGyver Chewbacka Highlander Elessar-Jankov
No room for Ibsen either, then?
Norwegian bus driver Andreas Jankov has officially become "Julius Andreas Gimli Arn MacGyver Chewbacka Highlander Elessar-Jankov", thereby apparently claiming the country's longest name crown.
We're certain that Reg readers will be able to spot where film lover Elessar-Jankov got most of the inspiration for his makeover, but the Huffington Post helpfully notes that "Julius is an homage to the famous chimp at the Kristiansand Zoo" and "Arn is a Swedish knight movie".
Mr Elessar-Jankov explained: "I wanted to show that it is possible to be serious and at the same time take the name you like. I wanted to see how far I could take it with respect to the number of names. I started thinking about this three years ago and it was approved in January this year."
He's already got a passport and bank card bearing the new name, but had to drop the "Highlander" since there just wasn't enough room for his tribute to Christopher Lambert. Bless. ®
You're doubtless wondering just what this nutcase looks like, and there's a picture here. Those of a nervous disposition are advised to steer well clear. Thanks to Mike Richards for the tip-off.