This article is more than 1 year old

Desktops are seen as unimportant until...

Readers, join our expert clinic!

A few weeks ago, we conducted a Reg Tech Panel survey about managing windows desktops. More than 1,200 of you participated. Many thanks. We will publish the results in a free pdf (no registration required) later this month.

In the meantime we think it worth exploring a strong theme that emerged from the responses. So we are turning to you, gentle reader, again.

Here is our question: tell us what you think in the comments below.

Desktops are seen as unimportant until things go wrong. So how do you convince the business that it is worth keeping them up to date, pre-empting any problems?

Yes, it's open-ended, but we want to see what you are capable of.

We shall invite a reader or two with the best answer to participate as members of a Reg expert clinic that we are running on 16 November. Other members include some Intel techies and our analyst chums at Freeform Dynamics. A few days in advance, we will ping you, the 'winner' a couple of questions, arising from the desktop management survey, to answer. Contributions should be 250-500 words on each topic. In return we will send you a Reg goodie bag and will identify you in all your comments as a Reg Expert.

We want to make reader expert clinics a regular editorial feature, we have to work out some kind of reputation rating and reward system. But first we need some way of identifying the experts among you. And who better to help us to do this than you.

You may have noticed that today we started trialling a comment voting system in select stories (including this one). You can help us by voting for the reader comment or comments that you like best. Voting is a bit Web 1.02-ish and somewhat rudimentary. We are not publishing the raw voting totals - this is waiting on some under the hood work on an upcoming forum system that we plan to launch in mid-November.

Sound like a plan? Let's get cracking. ®

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