This article is more than 1 year old
El Reg launches 'Skinny Fit' fashion range
Exclusive preview of international poster campaign
We're delighted to announce today the launch of our "Skinny Fit" range of clothes, seen modelled here by the lovely Filippa for a forthcoming international poster campaign:
Please note that this image has not been digitally manipulated in any way. Filippa is a healthy and beautiful young woman who is naturally "small-boned", and anyone who says otherwise will find themselves on the wrong end of a fat writ.
Furthermore, the reproduction of this image under "fair use" will result in a DMCA takedown bitchslap. Consider yourselves warned.
Stick Insect Skinny Fit range is available exclusively for download at the Adobe online store (go to ®
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There are more non-Photoshopped little people right here.