This article is more than 1 year old
Microsoft in Bing jingle kiddie vid outrage
'I literally cried', admits shaken composer
Microsoft may well find itself sharing the dock* in The Hague with Radovan Karadzic on a crimes against humanity rap after unleashing a "terrifying" video punting its Bing search thing:
What we have here are "400 6th graders from Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, PA" interpreting Bing Goes the Internet by Jonathan Mann. The shaken composer told TechCrunch: "I literally cried a little bit when I saw this video. On the one hand I’m happy I was able to provide some kids with an excuse not to do school work for a few hours.
"On the other hand, not sure how I feel about these kids being indoctrinated into the cult of, well, whatever. It’s kinda creepy. But on the other-other hand, the kids do look damn happy. So… oh well?"
For the record, here's Mann's original video of the ditty, for which he apparently won 500 bucks in American Express gift vouchers:
Traumatised readers are advised to proceed to the nearest hostelry and get busy with a few (dozen) pints. Cheers. ®
*Of course it could just refuse to turn up, saying it needs more time to "prepare its defence".