This article is more than 1 year old
Apple not plotting to slay netbook hackintoshes after all
Breakage unbroke again, move along...
Remember how a report recently zipped around the blogosphere about Apple disabling support for Intel's Atom processor in its most recent build of the soon-to-be-released Mac OS 10.6.2? Well, fuggedaboutit.
As The Reg noted on Monday, Apple's deAtomization of the Snow Leopard OS was reported by a blogger named Stell. If true, such a shunning of Intel's low-power processor would have thrown a spanner into the works of netbook hackintoshers who are creating a well-organized cottage industry out of running Mac OS X on those bargain-basement minis.
After mulling over what possible reason Apple might have had for disabling Mac OS X support for the Atom, we further mulled that "Stell may simply have got his or her wires crossed."
True mull, that.
On Wednesday, Stell updated his or her original post to back away from his or her Atom-blocking claim:
Wow, didn’t expect to get linked all over the internet for this damn post. Anyways, in the latest development build Atom appears to have resurrected itself zombie style in 10C535. The Atom lives another day, but nothing is concrete until the final version of 10.6.2 is out.
Bottom line: netbook hackintoshing can continue apace. At least until the next build of 10.6.2 appears. ®