This article is more than 1 year old
Brocade not for sale, really
Klayko lays down law. In a tank top
At Brocade's 6 November sales kick-off, CEO Mike Klayko said Brocade is not looking for a buyer.
Klayko has been shopping Brocade around, according to the Wall Street Journal. But there has been no result and sales reps need geeing up, rather than have their motivation crushed by their CEO and board looking to sell the company they work for from under them.
Klayko stepped up to the microphone in Las Vegas and said Brocade was not for sale. There is a huge amount of opportunity out there and Brocade is: "a good, a very good networking company," which introduced 62 new products last year.
So go out and kick networking butt, guys. Brocade is not for sale. Integrated stacks don't worry us. HP can buy who it likes - 3-Who ever.
There is such a thing as protesting too much, you know. ®