This article is more than 1 year old
Yank objects to Reg cherry-popping headline
'Find another line of work, like as a Hooters waitress'
Vulture Central's Kelly Fiveash has until now kept a pretty low profile, avoiding the kind of flak which regularly peppers our inboxes as indignant readers vent their spleen and propel steam from their ears.
That changed this week, though, when she rather ill-advisedly decided to trumpet a story with the headline "Google to pop Chrome OS cherry tomorrow?"
Oh no. Here's what one Jeff had to say:
Your choice of titles for the google chrome article referencing a busted cherry is unfortunate to say the least. My children use google news to learn about world news and I find it completely inappropriate that you would use such a crude reference to girls losing their virginity like that. Call me old fashioned but your choice of words displays a lack of class worthy of the internet dustbin. Find another line of work, like as a Hooters waitress, and leave journalism to professionals.
Professionals like those down at News 14 Carolina, no doubt, which is where we gather Jeff works. The site is today leading with the savoury "Police announce murder, rape charges in Davis case" - a very unpleasant tale about the murder of a five-year-old girl.
Thank God my kids can't just go online and freely access this kind of upsetting... oh, hold on a minute... ®
For the record, Kelly has already worked at Hooters. It was how she paid her way through hack school and goes some way to explaining her headline-writing style.