This article is more than 1 year old
Green politician says oral sex is part of being Swedish
Free speech comes naturally here
A Green Party politician has declared that part of being Swedish is the opportunity to swing both ways during the course of a single day in the interests of free speech.
Sofia Bothorp delivered that could well be the Swedish tourist board's new slogan during a local council debate on Swedishness.
According to The Local, Bothorp declared that part of being Swedish is being able to “lick pussy in the morning and suck cock in the evening if you want to”.
While this may appear to be a rather narrowly fixed definition of Swedishness, Bothorp was in fact referring to the country's proud tradition of freedom of expression.
Then to further illustrate her point she said this meant she was able to make jokes about God and/or Allah.
The remarks, inevitably were videoed and found their way onto YouTube. Which is ironic as the site does not look kindly on showing pussy licking or cock sucking - once it's been made aware of either.
Bothorp was forced into immediate explanation mode, saying that she was seeking to show that, contrary to the views of the country's far right, Sweden is not a culturally homogeneous nation, and needed to uphold its traditions of free speech and tolerance.
"I said it in the heat of the moment and it just slipped out, but I think it's important that the point I was trying to make doesn't get lost," Bothorp told The Local.
Well, most of it shouldn't get lost, and we're sure that many non-Swedes will be beating a path to the country to help its citizens fully express themselves. ®