This article is more than 1 year old

SC09: Mineral oil computing - The coming wave?

Liquid cooling

OK, sure: liquid can hold and transfer way, way more heat than air – we all know that. But is dropping an entire rack of servers into what looks like an enormous deep fryer the right solution? The answer from the folks at Green Revolution Cooling is a resounding, “Yes!”

They claim that using their mineral oil submersion cooling solution cuts data center power consumption by a whopping 45 per cent overall by eliminating system fans and data center cooling units. This isn’t just a technology demonstration; the company plans to sell its system to data centers large and small. Furthermore, it's seeing a wave of interest (that’s the only liquid-based pun I will use) from real customers – including some HPC heavyweights in Texas.

We spent a few minutes looking at its display and talking to Christiaan Best, Green Revolution Cooling co-president and inventor. We recorded a short video of it, click here to take a look…

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