This article is more than 1 year old

Keene IRAnywhere

IR over IP – for those remote remotes

KIRA doesn’t require any additional setup for specific devices other than positioning of the wand to give optimum coverage for your environment. Within five minutes we were busily changing the channels on the lounge TV from the upstairs office; something our unwitting subjects were not entirely pleased with. Perhaps we should have told them first – but where’s the fun in that?

Keene IRAnywhere

Learn and store external remote control features with the IR management software
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Operation is smooth and straightforward with consistent transmission of signals to the desired device. The included IR wand has a decent range of about four metres which, covers most reasonably sized rooms.

Once you get into standalone mode – which only requires one module – the device can take advantage of a couple of specific applications. Using Keene’s management software, the user can capture IR input as raw data, save IR codes, upload IR codes to the module and create code sequences. When paired with Melloware’s Intelliremote, the KIRA module can be used to control any number of applications using any IR remote. Our old VHS remote was very soon repurposed to control both VLC Player and iTunes, how’s that for recycling?

Similar functionality is available with EventGhost, which allows users to automate their operating systems to a far greater depth. This makes KIRA an ideal solution for those looking to add expandable remote functionality to the Home Theatre PC (HTPC) setup without buying new remotes.


While a bit pricey, KIRA appears to be an excellent idea. The system offers a wide range of options from controlling your HTPC, relaying IR signals in a lecture theatre, capturing IR codes to program other remotes or just confusing your family when the TV ‘randomly’ switches channels. If you need a versatile IR relay system, then you may well be charmed by KIRA. ®

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Keene IRAnywhere

Keene IRAnywhere

Easily extends IR signals over an IP network with comprehensive programming options for numerous applications.
Price: £100 (UK PSU), £110 (Universal PSU) RRP

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