This article is more than 1 year old
Vodafone struggles to get iPhones out
Under the weather
Vodafone is having problems getting iPhones in the sweaty palms of its eager customers, though at least the cold weather should make their palms less sweaty.
O2's exclusive on the iPhone disappeared last year as T-Mobile started (tentatively) selling handsets, followed by an official launch from Orange. Vodafone customers have had to wait until early 2010 and are now finding that the snow is keeping them from the object of their desire.
At the end of last week, Vodafone was posting lists of postcodes to which it couldn't deliver, and even today customers are reduced to checking their bank accounts to see if payment has been deducted - as an indication that an iPhone is on its way.
"Checked my account and the £59 for my Iphone [sic] has also been taken out so I am assuming a dispatch email will follow shortly. I am now genuinely optimistic about tomorrow," said one poster, demonstrating how ineffectual Vodafone's support is proving to be.
Not that Vodafone is doing nothing. Instead, forum administrators are busy shutting down threads discussing the matter: "As there is no additional information that can be provided, we will close any subsequent threads and provide the email contact details above."
One thread did, before it was closed, provide a link to the shipping company used by Vodafone, which still lists areas having delivery problems, but everyone should get their iPhone eventually. ®