This article is more than 1 year old
Zoo man uses virtualisation to tame his server herd
Reg reader tells it like is
On Demand It’s not every day you get to look under the bonnet of somebody else’s projects, but today you can.
Reg reader, Phil Morris from Chester Zoo, joined us in the studio last week to talk about how he virtualised a raft of servers at his data center in the North West of England. And if you’re looking for some insight before you get stuck into a server virtualisation project then you’re strongly advised to start right here.
It’s free and on demand, so you can watch it at your leisure.
Phil explains the whys and wherefores of initiating the project – how and why they decided to virtualise, how they determined the scope – and gets down and dirty about the technical implementation.
He explains the skills they needed for this project - and where they got them from - and hands out some great tips and advice too, according the readers that watched the live event. Do you know your SAN considerations for a project like this, for instance?
Phil’s joined by our usual range of experts – including Martin Atherton from Freeform Dynamics, Neil Sanderson from Microsoft – and of course The Reg’s own front man, Tim Phillips. The four of them, as you can see, deliver a solid, practical, hands-on look at a server virtualisation project.
It's here. Hope you enjoy it.