This article is more than 1 year old

Austrian army cans Benny Hill recruitment ad

Women chase throbbing, well-endowed tank

The Austrian army has canned a recruitment ad in which a group of young ladies is persuaded that a "joy ride" in a well-endowed tank is a far more exciting prospect than a spin in some bestubbled geezer's sports motor:

Yup, all that's missing to really piss off feminist groups is Benny Hill and Yakety Sax, but that oversight hasn't prevented the high command from copping some serious flak from disgruntled women anyway.

According to the Telegraph, Judith Goetz, feminist issues supremo at the Austrian Students' Union, thundered: "The video is trashy and an embarrassment. It is totally archaic to show such an obviously sexist video at a time when women are already part of the Austrian military."

Col Johann Millonig, of the army's marketing department, feebly defended: "Our clip is so dorky it's brilliant."

No it isn't, said Austrian defence minister Norbert Darabos, who "asked the army to remove the video from the ministry's website". Planned TV spots for the ad have also been dropped. ®

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