This article is more than 1 year old

Dell floats new line of lighter, pared-down servers

Little fluffy CloudEdge

Dell is planning a line of stripped down CloudEdge servers - standardised versions of its custom hyperscale data centre servers - for applications that work round fail-in-place hardware.

As reported the new servers will be pared down for lower operational and acquisition costs by foregoing things like redundant power supplies and fans. They will resemble the specialised servers Dell builds in the tens of thousands a year for customer data centres like Microsoft Azure and Facebook.

Dell reckons it can sell productised versions of these in lesser numbers, perhaps thousands a year, to very large - but not hyperscale - data centres for private and public cloud deployments. The data centre infrastructure and the applications would need to cope with individual server failure and route workloads around failed-in-place hardware. The benefits are lower energy costs and space savings. These servers are not for standard database and enterprise resource planning applications.

More information on these servers, such as the sales channel, is likely to come in the next quarter of the year. ®

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