This article is more than 1 year old
Netgear ReadyNas NVX Pioneer Edition
Nifty Nas box
Enabling file protocols for each share is also a pain (AFP, FTP or NFS, for example). Individual shares have separate pages for each protocol. The benefit of doing things this way is you have absolute control of who has access to what and in which way. The downside is if you’ve got half a dozen shares then there’s a heck of a lot of clicking to be done.
USB interfacing supports a useful range of peripherals
The browser and share-layout issues, combined with the FTP reliability and difficult Raid changes, all suggest a sizable overhaul of the interface is needed. A proper manual is also needed, since we were simply directed towards the business oriented RNDX4000’s literature to get solutions, which reinforces the impression that the RNDX400E was rushed out the door.
It’s quite pricey for a Nas that lacks business features like Windows Active Directory, but the fast transfer speeds, decent range of free add-ons a three year warranty sweeten the deal. Overall, a very fast and expensive enthusiast’s Nas and while we’re not a fan of its handle or interface, the add-on software offers real and value speed freaks can rejoice. ®
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