This article is more than 1 year old
Chilean mint misspells Chile
Heads roll over 50-peso coin blunder
The general manager of the Chilean mint has been given his marching orders after failing in a pretty fundamental area of his responsibilities: to ensure the country's name is spelt correctly on its national currency.
According to the BBC, thousands of 50-peso coins were issued in 2008 bearing the legend "REPUBLICA DE CHIIE". Surprisingly, no one noticed* until late last year, but when they did, it was time for Gregorio Iniguez and several other employees to start looking for less demanding work.
The Beeb notes that the mint has no plans to withdraw the collectors' item, with those already in possession of a Chiiean 50-peso nugget holding onto it in the hope the price will rise. ®
* Including the Banco Central de Chile, whose website apparently still features the offending coin, seen on the left, with the proper version at right: