This article is more than 1 year old
Web wags stage IE 6 funeral
Oh right. Haha! Yes. Because it's 'dead'.
The unsung comic geniuses of the web are holding a mock funeral for Microsoft's decrepit IE 6 browser software later on Thursday.
The IE 6 Funeral site announced on Monday that the browser "passed away" in a workplace injury (a reference to the role the eight-year-old browser played in the Operation Aurora attack against Google and others late last year). IE 6 is survived by son Internet Explorer 7 and granddaughter IE 8 (very clearly a girl).
Mock obituaries for IE 6 note the browser, born in August 2001, enjoyed a long life but became a danger to itself and others in its dotage.
Redmond began offering Windows users in Europe a ballot screen this week featuring a list of alternative browsers as well as Internet Explorer and the opportunity to upgrade. The move, which came soon after Google's decision to withdraw support for the browser in Google Apps, was the final nail in IE 6's coffin.
IE6 Funeral invites well-wishers to attend a wake for the browser later on Thursday in Denver. Those surfers unable to attend are asked to send flowers. Are we having fun yet? ®