This article is more than 1 year old
Security in the virtualised world
Practical Matters
Webcast If virtualisation is creeping across your organisation you’ve presumably ticked some of the security boxes, right? Well, whether you have or not, you may still want to tune in the next webcast in our virtualisation series: Virtualisation and Security: Practical Matters.
This particular gem is running live from the Reg Towers on Wednesday the 10th at 10am and it’s going to explore the big question of whether virtualisation makes security considerations easier to address.
This isn’t just going to look at the easy bits – whether it’s cost effective for AV licenses – it’s aiming to explore the whole gamut. From securing your systems, to high availability. Systems recovery and the myriad of challenges therein and of course security and VDI.
It’s a cracking subject and we’ve got just the people to make sure they explore it in detail. Reg impresario Tim Phillips will be steering the show in his own inimitable style. Joining him on the couch will be our old friend Neil Sanderson and Tony Lock from Freeform Dynamics.
The three of them will explore the following areas – and more, depending on which questions you throw at them:
-Security is all about context
-How does virtualisation affect security
-What could go wrong
-What are the options
-Securing systems
-High availability/ systems recovery
-Data and virtual machine backup and recovery challenges
-Software licensing
-Security and VDI
We know you’re now positively chomping at the bit to get stuck into this lot, so mosey on here and get yourself registered.
If you can’t make it on the day, just register now and we’ll send you the recorded version of the event to watch at your leisure.