This article is more than 1 year old

Daily Mail reader out-tw*ts the Tw*t-O-Tron

Indignation logic short-circuit threatens democracy

Fans of the Twat-O-Tron will be delighted and disturbed in equal measure to learn that one Daily Mail commenter has managed to surpass the hideous turdspurts which emanate from Middle England's automated indignation generator.

It's inevitable that any story regarding the murderers of James Bulger will arouse strong feelings, but this analysis of how to deal with the likes of Robert Thompson and Jon Venables really is something special:

Mail comment: We should have hung them when they were ten. Killing children is wrong and should be punished by death.

Well, we can all spot the fatal flaw in this reasoning. Now, if we can just entrust the execution of 10-year-olds to other 10-year-olds then we establish a self-feeding justice loop of death which will ultimately consume all of Britain's under-18s.

In fairness to other Mail commenters, they've given this particular logic short-circuit a resounding thumbs-down, which indicates there is still a faint glimmer of hope for our fragile democracy. ®

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