This article is more than 1 year old

Sony PS3 Slim

Leaner looks and price too

On the surface, the online service – PlayStation Network – looks good, because it is free, unlike Xbox live. But in practice, it is not as exciting visually and includes fewer features. Xbox live has many more exclusive games, and has a more established online community to draw from. Free does not necessarily equal better.

Sony PS3 Slim

The PlayStation Network could do with a boost to invigorate its player community


Has Sony redeemed the PS3 brand? Regardless of the previously stated drawbacks, and the triumph of image over substance, the fact is that the PS3 Slim costs half of what the original PS3 cost when it first launched. It is also smaller, quieter and consumes less power, making it the cost-efficient choice for an energy-conscious world. And it still manages to keep all the impressive gaming, multimedia, and Blu-ray functionality of previous PS3s. There's a wealth of machine here for £250, making it an ideal gift for a wider audience. In terms of design, yes, Sony has redeemed the PlayStation brand. In terms of features, there remains a long way to go, but I still love it. ®

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Sony PS3 Slim

Sony PS3 Slim

A quiet and compact powerhouse of a console, hampered by a limited range of quality titles and no backward compatibility with PS2 games.
Price: £250 (120GB), £285 (250GB). RRP

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