This article is more than 1 year old

Segway + motorbike = futuristic dorkmobile

This Taurus isn't from Ford

Just when you thought that the Segway "self-balancing personal transportation device" concept had finally had a stake driven firmly through its überdorky heart, it's baaaack.

But now you have a place to sit, and not be forced to stand up as must a Segway-mounted policeman, paramedic, or polo player.

Taurus concept vehicle

Perfect for posterior-planted power polo

Behold Designer Erik Lanuza’s Taurus, a concept vehicle that marries a sport bike's body with a Segway's sense of balance. And pumps up the wheels to a decent size to help smooth urban bumps.

Taurus concept vehicle

We hope that mounting a Taurus doesn't require devolving your garb and hairstyle to late-1960s vintage

The Taurus, like the Segway, is a self-balancing act. You can steer the vehicle by leaning much as you do when steering a motorcycle - but there's no front wheel to turn via handlebars. Speeding up and slowing down is Segwayesque, as well: lean forward or lean back.

Taurus concept vehicle

Don't think of us as gutter-minded, but my, my, doesn't that kickstand look ... mmm ... 'rugged'

Interestingly, although the Taurus - and, for that matter, its ancestral Segway - are being touted as zero-emissions vehicles, no electrically motivated people-mover will ever be truly "zero-emissions" until power plants stop burning coal, oil, or natural gas. ®

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