This article is more than 1 year old
Erotic trojan keelhauls Japanese pirates
'Visual novel' download with a surprise ending
Some Japanese aficionados of the "visual novel" who decided they'd really rather not pay to enjoy interactive erotic romp Cross Days ended up with their personal info splashed across the internet, TorrentFreak reports.
The recently-released novel in question quickly popped up on filesharing sites for those who like their bangs without the bucks. One version, however, features an installer which snaffles personal info from the user's computer, grabs a quick screen shot and publishes the whole lot online.
TorrentFreak explains: "When run, the installer pretends to be the game but using personal information gathered from the victim’s computer (including IP address), it presents a survey which asks for more personal information - including their email address and password."
The results of the trojan incursion can be seen here, mostly in Japanese, but featuring one poor pirate who was caught red-handed reading the quite remarkable Keily's Plant (NSFW).
The creators of the trojan included a nice touch: the installer's conditions of service apparently warn victims they're about to be keelhauled, but since no one ever actually reads these, this detail failed to prevent the privacy bust.
TorrentFreak concludes: "Although it is possible to have the would-be pirate’s personal information taken down from the website, first the user has to effectively apologize for having tried to illegally download Cross Days."
In case you're wondering just how interactive Cross Days is, it supports the USB-driven SOM orgasmatron, allowing both guys and gals (links NSFW) to participate fully in the narrative's climactic moments. ®