This article is more than 1 year old
Bulgarians cop an eyeful of Penthouse billboard filth
No airbags, but some highly suggestive winking
The ethics commission of Bulgaria's National Council for Self-regulation in Advertising has "suggested" that Penthouse pull a billboard ad campaign featuring the rather cunning stunt of making an eye look like, well, have a look here...
According to local daily Dnevnik, one complainant thundered: "We understand that there is freedom of speech and freedom of expression, and that they have to be respected and upheld, but we cannot hide our contempt for the filth that is the Penthouse billboard."
The powers that be have also clamped down on a "highly obscene" ad for Orgasm vodka, although the Sofia Echo spares readers the sordid details of just how obscene it might be.
We at El Reg have, however, think we've managed to track down a snap of an Orgasm vodka bottle (pictured), which gives a pretty clear idea of the manufacturer's hard-on marketing approach.
According to the ethics commission, both ads "conflict with the proper conduct and regulations outlined in the codex dealing with 'advertisement and retail communication' in Bulgaria". ®