This article is more than 1 year old
Is Oracle severing its LSI relationship?
Cutting the knot
We're hearing rumours that Oracle is ending the Sun-LSI relationship whereby Sun incorporated drive arrays from LSI.
When Oracle bought Sun it inherited two storage OEM deals. One was with HDS for 9900 high-end arrays, based on its USP-V product, and has been terminated. The other deal saw Sun's mid-range 6000 storage products use LSI Engenio-sourced kit - for example the 6580 array is based on the Engenio 7900.
It's understood that Oracle wants to own its entire hardware-software stack and, further, that Larry hates OEM deals. The writing is thus on the wall and it looks as if this expected divorce may now be happening. LSI was asked to comment but couldn't in time for this story. An Oracle spokesperson said Oracle doesn't comment on rumour or speculation. ®