This article is more than 1 year old
What's impacting IT security today?
Assessing the changing direction of security
Mini Poll Okay, we've banged on often enough about how security shouldn't be about products - it should be about making sure our data is adequately protected and all such good ideas. But the question is just how practical is this? We know a whole load of change is coming to IT today, some internal and some external. We also know that the bad guys are getting badder, smarter and better-equipped to breach the increasingly fragmented protection mechanisms we have in place.
But where should we be focusing our efforts, and how can we be sure to get the right level of buy-in within our organisations to make a difference and protect our IT crown jewels? If you have a few minutes to fill in our poll and let us know how you believe the land lies, we'll feed back the results to you sharpish.
To begin with, by way of providing some background and context, we'd be interested to know what general trends are having an impact on your organisation. We'll then ask which ones have a specific security impact, before drilling into what you're doing about it.