This article is more than 1 year old
Servers: Getting a grip on power and control
Cut costs and do more with less
Video Power has long been a consideration for server and data centre operations and design. In many cases, power was a constant to design the solution around, and not something that could easily be monitored, manipulated or optimised.
But developments such as regulation in the form of the Carbon Reduction Commitment, the increasing cost of power and cooling, and increased server and computational density have started to put strains on both budgets and capacity.
Effective power management is becoming a central pillar of server planning and strategy. But it can seem like a daunting challenge to take on, with the potential for a lot of pain with little (tangible) gain.
It can be easy to make a case when you have direct control or responsibility for power. In the case of limited power supply or space, the control and return may be very direct. But in many cases, power supply and costs are the responsibility of another department. Without involving the broader organisation in the efforts to control power use and become more efficient, there may be little payback to investing in power management.
All of this, and more besides, is the hot topic of discussion during this our latest workshop roundup video.
The Register’s own Tim Phillips hosts the affair and he’s joined by Andy Buss from Freeform Dynamics and Iain Beckingham from Intel. The video is 30 minutes long and packed full of interesting discussion and advice from the three of them. You can watch it all, for free, right here. ®