This article is more than 1 year old
PARIS gets her very own private enclave
No, not that Paris...
El Reg's Paper Aircraft Released Into Space (PARIS) now has its very own section, nicely nestled in Science, the better for readers to follow the progress of our audacious upper atmosphere plane plan.
The new spot should be filling up nicely in the coming weeks, as the project ramps ups considerably towards the final, climactic launch of the Vulture 1 aircraft.
On 1 June, we're off to QinetiQ to test the aircraft release mechanism in their hypobaric chamber, so expect photos and/or small explosions in due course.
Before we head off to Farnborough, though, we're putting together the Vulture 1 radio tracking set-up, which uses the APRS system. Following the success of our main payload GPS tracker live test, we're planning something similar for the first week in June to give the Vulture 1 board a run for its money.
We'll post snaps of the kit and tech details of how the whole thing works before the day.
In the meantime, we've put together a basic mission summary for those of you who are new to PARIS, which you can get right here (pdf). ®
Additional PARIS resources
- New to PARIS? We have a basic mission summary here (pdf).
- Our Youtube channel - currently featuring a few camera tests.