This article is more than 1 year old

Reg reader applauds World's Crappiest phish

'Emergency shortlited varified problem' email alert. FFS

There is we believe some kind of worldwide minimum standard for phishing expeditions, which demands at least a level of literacy, a false bank log-in page and a plausible alert to hook victims.

If you really can't be arsed with all that, though, why not just throw out a quick email and wait for those intimate banking details to roll in? We're obliged to the Reg reader who was this morning delighted to receive this pitch:

From: HSBC BANK []

Dear valued customer Incidentally,there is an emergency shortlited varified problem in your account which there is a need to restore Pls send us all the enqiures of your bank account so that the varified problem will be entirely and stupidiously retrieve. Thanks for banking with us

And that represents the entire content of the email. No graphics, no links, nothing, save some exceptional English and a truly stupidious gmail addy. Make no mistake, this classic has been shortlited for bone-idle scam email of the year. ®

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