This article is more than 1 year old
Oz customs search lappies and mobes for smut
More protections for thin-skinned Antipodeans
A row has broken out in Australia after it emerged that Customs officers are searching laptops and mobile phones for smutty snaps.
The change actually came in late last year. Inbound passengers must fill in an incoming passenger card which now includes a pornography question.
Fiona Patten, president of the Australian Sex Party, said: “If you and your partner have filmed or photographed yourselves making love in an exotic destination or even taking a bath, you will have to answer ‘Yes’ to the question or you will be breaking the law.”
She said the question was a gross invasion of privacy and could criminalise thousands of people who might answer no to the question out of embarrassment. She said the change had been sneaked in and was a further attempt to prop up Senator Conroy's "failing internet filter".
Australians are clearly a delicate, even over-sensitive bunch who need protecting from this sort of filth, whether it's online or on someone's iPhone. ®