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Enhancement for women who want to make a point

Here's something practical for those women who want to make a point or two, but aren't up-front enough to do it naturally - the eye-catching Body Perks Nipple Enhancers:

Body Perks Nipple Enhancers

Apparently, "the natural look is back" and "nipples are in", according to the blurb down at Selfridge's e-commerce tentacle. In fact, nipples appear to be very much out this season, and for a mere £9.95 you too can "take the lead from Sex and the City's Samantha and draw attention to your natural assets".

In case you're wondering if these artificial teats will match your natural tone, they're available in both "blush" and "mocha" - commonly known as "pink" and "brown" among students of the subject. ®

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