This article is more than 1 year old
Far East fanboi dresses iPad as Mac (Classic)
'Ancient Future'
A Japanese fanboi has come up with one of the most artful marriages of old and new kit that we've seen in quite some time.
Every überstylish Apple offering spawns an ecosystem of überstylish accessories, and the iPad is no exception. Cases, for example. We admire Apple's convertible model, but the fine leather eyecatchers from Sena have also, well, caught our eye.
But nothing matches the classic lines of the classiest of classics, the Mac Classic, as pressed into service by the fine mind behind site hirac, and brought to our attention by MacDailyNews:
Vicariously experience a frisson of delight as the steely black iPad inexorably penetrates the platinum Classic's muscular torso.
Be subtly amused by the sophisticated wit of contemporary curvature as it boldly and unashamedly flirts with retro angularity.
Be simultaneously transported to a warmly nostalgic past while soaring deliriously forward into the unavoidable Götterdämmerung of the PC era. ®