This article is more than 1 year old

Iomega Prestige Portable 1TB

Heavy metal storage

Review There's no doubt but that the Iomega Prestige is a looker. And with 1TB of hard disk storage on board, it's at the current peak of portable hard drive capacity.

The styling, as you can see from the pictures, is all gunmetal-coloured brushed steel, with a Mac Pro speaker-grille pattern of small holes punched into the front panel, and Iomega's logo stamped on the top.

Iomega Prestige Portable 1TB

Iomega's Prestige Portable: hard'n'heavy

The front and back - a mini USB port and activity light are the only features here - are plastic, but with a thick terabyte 2.5in drive on board and the metal wrapped around it, the Prestige has a solid feel, weighty but not heavy.

This is really a desktop drive that's small for convenience and portability rather than a drive you'll want to carry around with you. If that's what you need, there are smaller, lighter products out there, though not one that can provide the same storage capacity as the Iomega, at least not yet.

Iomega provides a bundle of apps, but makes the software available as a download rather than on a disc or loaded on the Prestige itself. Key in the drive's serial number and the utilities are yours: ignoring the Trend Micro anti-malware 12-month demo and the MozyHome online backup 2GB freebie - we'd recommend Dropbox instead - there are three backup apps for Windows users and a fourth for Mac fans.

Iomega Prestige Portable 1TB
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