Review When it comes to technology, Samsung steers its own course. First off, the ST5500 uses a 3.7in AMOLED screen and has an abundance of technology on-board including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and AllSave – part of the DLNA wireless content sharing standard.
So far, so good, but it’s a shame that Samsung has opted to use MicroSD cards rather than the full-size version.
The camera’s screen is large, but it’s not as bright as an LCD screen, and not so clear in sunlight. However, touchscreen operation is well designed - even if its execution isn’t always that smooth.
A tab on the right of the screen can be used for displaying or hiding the motion recognition and network/Bluetooth icons, while a tab at the bottom gives fast access to numerous functions (in the Program AE mode, this includes ISO speed, white balance, AF mode and optical image stabilisation).