This article is more than 1 year old

Perseid meteors 'thrill star-gazers'

Well, not quite

Last night's Perseid meteor shower wasn't quite the heavenly firework display the Daily Mail claims, but where conditions were favourable, hopeful skygazers were granted a few nice moments.

El Reg's Iberian bureau took advantage of clear skies and agreeable temperatures to crack a few beers up in the mountains of Avila, and was rewarded with a peak of maybe two Perseids a minute in the early hours.

Although our attempts to capture the impressive ionisation trails on camera wasn't a resounding success, here's a pic Reg reader Bill Pinnell caught last year in Surrey, which shows just what bangs you get for your bucks if you're prepared to stay up late:

Perseid meteor captured by Bill Pinnell. All rights reserved

Readers' tales of cloudy skies, pouring rain and traditional Perseid disappointment are, as ever, welcome. ®

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