This article is more than 1 year old

PARIS team cracks Vulture 1-X wing

Knocks together proof of concept structure

The Paper Aircraft Released Into Space (PARIS) team has spent the last couple of days working on a definitive Vulture 1-X wing structure, having already tried and rejected a few options.

Naturally, we took on board all of your suggestions as to how we might go about making an aircraft wing entirely from paper, and reckon we've cracked it.

First up, we looked for suitable wing profile, and decided to nab one from the Horten Ho IV, which will need no introduction to the aircraft enthusiasts among you.

Since we're using paper straws for the main Vulture 1-X structure, it made sense to convert this profile into a paper rib which can accept four continual spars, as you can see in our template pic:

The Vulture 1-X wing section, showing paper straw spar locations

So, we printed out a load of these ribs, punched out the holes for the straws with a 6mm leather punch and bodged together a proof of concept section of wing.

On the next couple of pages are the construction snaps. Don't bemoan the sloppy hot glue technique - we knocked this up in around half an hour and the final structure of the wings will be lovingly and carefully put together with epoxy...

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