EMC will introduce a new mid-range storage product in early 2011.
EMC's chief financial officer, David Goulden, said the new product will refresh the low-end of EMC's mid-range storage array product portfolio, currently supplied with its CLARiiON and Celerra products.
He was addressing an investor conference yesterday afternoon, and said, according to attendee Aaron Rakers of Stifel Niclaus, that EMC' August 24 announcements referred to the higher part of its mid-range, with improvements to CLARiiON and Celerra arrays and the Unisphere management suite. The high-end is defined by products or deals with average system values (ASP) of $75,000 or more.
The new product will apply to deals with ASPS between $10,000 and $75,000, and feature " many of the capabilities found in its higher-end solutions but at lower price points ."
Goulden also talked about VMware, saying that both EMC and NetApp were gaining VMware business, but at the expense of other vendors and not reach other. He said that VMware on of EMC's most strategic asset, if not the most important one, and that EMC will maintain its 80 per cent ownership going forward.
He mentioned 3PAR in his talk, saying that, although 3PAR's InServ products overlapped the low end of EMC's Symmetrix range and the upper end of its CLARiiON products, EMC had added similar functionality to that of 3PAR to both products. His opinion was that HP's EVA produce line and the HP-Hitachi relationship would both be impacted by HP's 3PAR buy. ®