This article is more than 1 year old
Playboy centrefold freaks out at 10,000 feet
Couldn't pop a pill so chose airliner cabin door instead
WSA A Playboy centrefold took fellow plane passengers' breath away last week when she apparently tried to open the door on a plane flight from Florida to New York.
Tiffany Livingston, 21 and 5' 6", reportedly bolted from her seat and grabbed the cabin door in an apparent attempt to open the cabin door on the Jet Blue flight.
The New York Post reports that sources said Livingston was in the throes of a panic attack, and did not have her usual medication with her.
Her fellow passengers presumably also quickly succumbed to high anxiety and had to be medicated with treble scotches once the panic-stricken not very many clothes horse was eventually prised from the door.
Livingston was briefly banged up and charges were looking likely, the Post reported.
However, by the weekend, the brunette had explained to investigators that she had simply been trying "stabilise herself" following the anxiety attack which had been induced by a bout of turbulence.
All the same, the passengers and staff would probably have preferred if she'd simply calmed herself down with a large stiff one rather than the handle on a door leading straight to oblivion.
Livingston couldn't have chosen a worse day to bolt for the cabin door, with her high altitude anxiety attack coming just ahead of the US' September 11 commemorations.
Airline Jet Blue could also do with a little less cabin door excitement. Just last month a flight attendant achieved notoriety by resigning over the cabin intercom and exiting the parked plane via the emergency slide. ®