This article is more than 1 year old
Trojan poses as skeleton key jailbreak utility
greenpois0n and the poison pill
Miscreants have created a Trojan that poses as a rumoured jailbreak utility for the latest iPhones.
A utility reportedly in development will allow users to run software of their choice on any Apple smartphone, even those running iOS 4.0.2 or iOS 4.1. The greenpois0n utility takes advantage of a security shortcoming in bootrom that may be hard for Apple to close.
The tool is yet to appear but hackers are capitalising on the buzz around the tool to upload Trojans onto file sharing networks that pose as greenpois0n, but in reality are programmed to steal passwords and install spyware onto compromised Windows machines.
Miscreants have also seized on interest about jail-breaking to establish websites touting tools supposedly capable of unlocking any iPhone, irrespective of which version of iOS it happens to be running. Punters are being encouraged to pay $25-$40 for the supposed service, which is in reality a scam.
A blog post by Costin Raiu of Kaspersky Lab explaining the scam in greater depth can be found here. ®