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Ten... iPhone 4 accessories
Add-ons for your Apple
Elago M2 Mobile Stand

Elago makes some very nice iPhone cases that, sadly, don’t seem to be available in the UK just yet. So, in the meantime, I’ll settle for this neat little desktop stand instead. The M2 allows you to sit the iPhone either upright or on its side, so that you can quickly tap on the screen and make calls, or use other, landscape-oriented apps. The aluminum stand is available in black or silver, and is large enough to accommodate most of the bumper cases for the iPhone, so you can rest your iPhone on the stand and recharge it without having to remove the case.

Reg Rating 75
Price £20
More Info Active Accessories
Griffin Reveal Etch

Griffin makes a wide range of cases for the iPhone, but the Reveal is a good basic option. It’s similar to Apple’s own bumper, with a thin-but-sturdy rubber band that wraps around the edges and acts as a shock-absorber – as well as helping to eliminate any pesky antenna reception problems too. It also has a back-panel that provides a bit of extra protection, and comes in about £5 cheaper than the Apple offering if you miss the 30 September deadline for a free one.

Reg Rating 80
Price £20
More Info Griffin