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Ten... iPhone 4 cases
Have you got protection?
iaPeel Printable Skins

I don’t know if the iaPeel skins will provide much protection, but they’re certainly good fun to play with. These "printable skins" are made out of a thin layer of vinyl that can be fed through an ordinary inkjet printer in order to create your own personalised design. You just download the SkinMaker design software from the iaPeel website - it's available for both Mac and Windows - and off you go. The skins come in pairs – one for the front of the iPhone and one for the back – and there are five pairs in the pack, so you can change skins to suit your mood.

Reg Rating 80%
Price £25
More Info Firebox
Incipio NGP

Somewhat inelegantly described as "semi-rigid", the NGP case is named after its "next-generation polymer" – a soft and flexible rubbery material that is also very tough and impact resistant. Incipio says that it’s "elongation resistant" too, which I think means it won’t get stretched out of shape as some lighter plastic bumpers sometimes do. It’s available in a number of different colours, including black, magenta and purple, and there’s also a translucent version as well. The case itself covers the back and sides of the iPhone, but it also includes a separate protective overlay for the screen, along with a little cleaning cloth too.

Reg Rating 85%
Price £20
More Info Incipio