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Ten... iPhone 4 cases
Have you got protection?
Otterbox Defender

Forget those wimpy little wallets and rubbery bumper things – if you really want to keep your iPhone safe you’ll invest in the Defender from Otterbox. This armour-plated juggernaut of a case comes in two parts. There’s a tough, impact-resistant polycarbonate shell that covers everything apart from the iPhone’s screen and its two built-in cameras. The screen does get an additional smudge-resistant protective membrane, though, and the second part of the kit is a separate holster unit equipped with a sturdy belt-clip to keep it pinned by your side as you complete your ascent of Everest.

Reg Rating 90%
Price £30
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Proporta Shine

Proporta makes quite a few cases aimed at what you could call the ‘glam’ end of the market but, my dears, I simply had to get my perfectly manicured hands on this one. The Shine is a flip-open case made out of glossy patent leather, and available in black, red or blue. Inside the case there’s a mirror so that you can check your lippy before going into that important business meeting/hot date, and you can choose a number of different print linings for the inside of the case, including zebra skin or floral patterns.

Reg Rating 90%
Price £25
More Info Proporta