This article is more than 1 year old

PARIS furnished with engorgement

Assistant in tight dress fondles powerful squirter

The Paper Aircraft Released Into Space (PARIS) team nipped out yesterday to pick up a satisfyingly large bottle of helium: an 80kg steel beast packing a tad over 10 cubic metres of lifting gas.

We'd like to offer a big ta very much to Air Liquide in Valladolid, for cheerfully providing PARIS with a big lift.

Naturally, our glamorous assistant Rui was on hand to pose with the vital supplies and, for a small large consideration, agreed to don a sequin dress in honour of our inspirational celebrity goddess - the heavenly Paris Hilton:

Our glamorous assistant poses with the helium bottle

If that's not enough Friday excitement for you, then you'll certainly enjoy the supplied balloon fill valve. Ms Hilton has in the past, we're sure, handled similarly-shaped objects:

The suggestively-shaped fill valve

So, we've got helium, a main payload and a launch date. We just need a space paper plane and we're ready for lift-off... ®

Additional PARIS resources

  • Our dedicated PARIS section, with all previous updates, is right here.
  • New to PARIS? We have a basic mission summary here (pdf).
  • Our Flickr page, for your viewing pleasure.
  • Check out our YouTube channel - currently featuring a few kit tests.

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