This article is more than 1 year old

DIY cloud box Pogoplug gets integrated wireless

Shares disks over Wi-Fi, internet

Build-your-own-cloud company, Cloud Engines, has introduced an updated version of its disk sharing box, the Pogoplug.

Pogoplug Pro

Dubbed the Pogoplug Pro, the new - now black rather than fluoro pink - box adds 802.11n Wi-Fi to the package. The standard version only supports Gigabit Ethernet or lesser-speed wired links to a router.

Both boxes have four USB 2.0 ports to hook up hard drives that can then be shared locally and across the internet, through browsers; iOS, BlackBerry, WebOS and Android mobile apps; and file-system native desktops tools for Windows and Mac.

Pogoplug Pro

The Pro is currently only available in the US through an exclusive deal with retailer Best Buy. It costs $99, which is what Cloud Engines and other retailers are charging for the standard versions. You'll pay £99 over here. ®

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