This article is more than 1 year old
Currys punts cut-price 3D TV pack for Xmas
50in telly, specs, player all for under a grand
Do you want a 3D TV but find yourself put off by the price? Dixons-owned chain Currys has announced a 50in set fo a penny less than a grand.
The set in question is the Samsung plasma PS50C680 and comes with a 3D-capable Blu-ray Disc player and two pairs of 3D glasses.
Currys waved aside claims that there's just nothing to watch on 3D tellies, pointing to Sky's new 3D channel and the fact that three 3D BDs are now available to buy in the shops. Toy Story 3, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and Final Destination: Death Trip, since you ask.
"The Samsung 50C680 also future-proofs existing DVD collections, as the 1080p picture technology upscales DVDs to HD quality, meaning our customers won't have to replace their entire DVD collection with Blu-rays," the retailer chirped. We don't, surely, have to point out the flaw in that claim.
Currys' cut-price 3D TV bundle is available now. ®