This article is more than 1 year old
Local Spanish press embrace PARIS
Big hug for mad English bloke and his space plane
Rather agreeably, El Reg's audacious Paper Aircraft Released Into Space project has been honoured with a page in provincial paper El Diario de Avila.
The publication got word that we were planning to launch from the Peña Negra, close to Piedrahíta, and swiftly cleared page 32 to give us a bit of coverage.
Here's the piece in all its glory, complete with a photo (bigger version here, for those of you au fait with the Spanish lingo) of my son Rui hoisting aloft the main payload box:
To summarise, PARIS and The Register are poised to give Avila an international airing, while yours truly champions the moribund villages of the area and supports the local economy by buying improbable amounts of epoxy and beer while attempting to finish the Buitre 1 aircraft before Saturday.
It's only right that at this point I give a tip of my donkey breeder's hat to my good friend José María Pita, who put together our Spanish-language press release.
Here he is in full photojourno mode, snapping away merrily between sips of an improbably large gin and tonic. I'd also like to thank him for the case of excellent wine he provided for PARIS team members John Oates and Steve Daniels, who arrive in Spain on Thursday.
The El Reg powers that be apparently believe that, when we hacks are not launching space planes, we'll be filing our usual quota of top-quality stories. Having sampled a couple of glasses of said vino, I have my doubts. ®
Additional PARIS resources
- Our dedicated PARIS section, with all previous updates, is right here.
- New to PARIS? We have a basic mission summary here (pdf).
- Our Flickr page, for your viewing pleasure.
- Here's our magnificent YouTube channel.