This article is more than 1 year old

US builds net privacy brains trust

Your right to privacy vs spooks' right to snoop

The US National Science and Technology Council has set up a committee to deal with internet privacy and how it can be balanced against the needs of the government and law enforcement.

The group will look at global attitudes and laws in order to draw up US policy and possible legislation.

It aims to create a common set of standards to be used by all government departments. No doubt the US will diplomatically lobby foreign governments to adopt the standards - or else.

The committee members will talk to internet companies as well as law enforcement and other government agencies. The talking shop includes people from over a dozen government departments and agencies.

It will be jointly chaired by Cameron Kelly, general counsel at the Department of Commerce and Christopher Schroeder, assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice.

There is a blog post detailing all the members of the Subcomittee on Privacy and Internet Policy. ®

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