The BT network has failed for the second time in a few days, again cutting off users in and Scotland and northern England.
The ongoing outage is also affecting third party ISPs who use resell access via the national telco.
According to ADSL24, BT is blaming the latest problems on an unnamed hardware vendor.
Andrews and Arnold, which like ADSL24 uses BT's new 21CN network, said the outage appears to be a repeat of an incident of Friday, when users in the Edinburgh area were particularly badly hit. Internet access in northern England, Northern Ireland and as far south as London also suffered, however.
A statement on the BT Business service status page says: "BT is currently experiencing localised disruption to some broadband services as a result of a similar technical issue that occurred over the weekend.
"The issue has been fixed and broadband services are being restored to affected customers. Customers that are having difficulty accessing broadband are advised to reboot their equipment. If this does not resolve the issue then please try again after 3pm." ®
Reg reader Michael writes: "This was actually affecting all DSL based traffic over BT's network, not just consumer ADSL. Our MPLS DSL based lines went down as well as some SDSL circuits. Recovery time seems quicker this time, however it happened in the middle of the day rather than at night so the relevant techs won't be in the pub/bed!
"Interestingly it seems that 21CN lines were unaffected - where we have 21CN based DSL circuits they had a couple of second blip then continued, but all the pre-21CN links died."