This article is more than 1 year old
StumbleUpon adds apps to its recommendation list
Everyone else liked it!
Discovery engine StumbleUpon will now recommend Android applications too, offering users some help in navigating the quagmire of mediocrity that is the modern app store.
StumbleUpon already provides a valuable service to those who know they want to surf the web, but can't decide why, or want to watch a video but can't decide what, and now the Android version will help those who are determined to buy a mobile application but can't decide which farting app suits them best.
It's certainly an innovative way of searching for applications. The StumbleUpon app looks at the other applications you have installed and compares that list to everyone else. The app then makes suggestions based on any disparity between the lists, tempered by the "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" ratings given to applications by other StumbleUpon users.
Such an approach is obviously dependent on having a critical mass of users. Early results show very limited accuracy (not to mention recommending Pandora which isn't available in Blighty, or indeed, anywhere other than the US), but with app stores of all flavours bursting at the seams with tat, there has to be a better way to find something worth buying.
We're old-fashioned enough to decide what we want before going shopping for mobile apps, but if you're desperate to get a mobile application but can't decide what to buy, then the Android version of StumbleUpon is in the usual app stores. ®